Baseball cards collector > collect photos

The value of sport cards increase all the time and have by now resulted in an amazing value raises. Considering the more unique origin of original vintage press photos we predict that collecting these will become at least as popular as collecting the massproduced and much smaller in size, and inferior in quality sports cards. Vintage photos ARE a part of the actual history, usually with handscribbled notes and dates on the backside of each photo, where you can follow the entire or part of the history of the particular photo. Even though once produced to be spread to the world´s press agencies many of the original photos have by now disappeared, been destroyed or damaged. When you collect vintage photos you certainly collect objects from the past, historical artefacts all with their own provenance.

Baseball cards collector > collect photos

The value of sport cards increase all the time and have by now resulted in an amazing value raises. Considering the more unique origin of original vintage press photos we predict that collecting these will become at least as popular as collecting the massproduced and much smaller in size, and inferior in quality sports cards. Vintage photos ARE a part of the actual history, usually with handscribbled notes and dates on the backside of each photo, where you can follow the entire or part of the history of the particular photo. Even though once produced to be spread to the world´s press agencies many of the original photos have by now disappeared, been destroyed or damaged. When you collect vintage photos you certainly collect objects from the past, historical artefacts all with their own provenance.

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