You can indeed collect photographs for art’s sake and, whatever the reason is, when you buy a photograph from us you don´t just buy a picture, you buy an object of history!
Our photos are not reprints, they are all archive original photographs coming from newspaper archives around Europe, and some of the most prestigious ones!
These treasures, they all have their history. Many times you can follow their provenance on the backside of the photo, seeing stamps, handwritten notes, and technical directions - also telling a history on its own!
Many times you can follow, or see traces of, the history of the photographs on the backside of the picture. Many times you will find the stamp of the photographer and/or the magazine or agency from where it came, and when it was published.
These photographs were many times produced in unspecified editions, which does not necessarily mean there are still many around. Some of these photographs have survived wars, usage, being sent forth and back and handled by many people. All these factors matter in that you will get quite a RARE photograph when buying from us. Something to cherish and be proud of!