Until October 15th you have the chance to see a magnificent exhibition at The National Portrait Gallery in London:Yevonde, Life and Colour. It is an impressive presentation of the photographer Yevonde Philone Middleton (1893-1975), with the artist name madame Yevonde, a pioneering London photographer who spearheaded the use of colour photography in the 1930s. The exhibition shows work from her impressive 60 year career, including plenty of fashion photography, a lot of which is connected to the Tatler and The Sketch magazines. Yevonde set up her first studio in London in 1914 and just a few years later she was well established and had regular clients within fashion, advertising and high society, for example A.A. Milne, Barbara Cartland, Diana Mitford, Louis Mountabtten, Noel Coward and many other prominent persons of that time.
The exhibition is a must for everyone interested in photography in general, and a true feast for history, fashion and commercial photography fans especially. Beautifully presented and with a comprehensive catalogue available it is in itself a good reason to head to London this week!
Meanhwile you can browse our own selection of Madame Yevonde photographs - all available for the moment:https://tinyurl.com/cn7eht3n